C Program to Check Frequency of Characters

C Program to Check Frequency of Characters. This program starts with initializing str1[100].
C Program to Check Frequency of Characters



Output: C Program to Check Frequency of Characters

Explanation (How it Works):

This program starts with initializing :

str1[100] → To store string with length of 100 which means it can store 100 letters.

i ,k,x→Used as helping variable.

count[26]→ To count number of times each letter is repeated from a-z.

str1[100] → To store string with length of 100 which means it can store 100 letters.

i ,k,x→Used as helping variable.

count[26]→ To count number of times each letter is repeated from m a-a-z.

Displays Output

Taking string from the user.

While Loop

Lets take a small example

str1="Hello".count[26] means each one from count[0] to count[26] are initialized to zero. 

Iteration 1: k=0,str1[0]=H which is not '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is executed. 

  • 'H' lies between 'A' and 'Z' so the second if part is executed.
  • x=str1[k]-'A' →str1[0]-'A'→'H'-'A'→x=72-65=7.
  • 'H'-'A' will give integer value as output as the output of the result is stored in integer variable.
  • Where 'H' ascii value is 72 and that of 'A' is 65 so 72-65 is 7. 
  • Therefore,x=7. 
  • count[7]++→count[7]=1 as it is previously initilized to 0. 
  • Now k++ so k is incemented by 1,then k=1.To move to the next character/letter.

Iteration 2: k=1,str1[1]=e which is not '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is executed.

  • 'e' lies between 'a' and 'z' so the first if part is executed.
  • x=str1[k]-'a' →str1[1]-'a'→'e'-'a'→x=101-97=4.
  • 'e'-'a' ('e' ascii value is 101 and that of 'a' is 97 so 101-97 is 4).
  • Therefore, x=4. 
  • count[4]++→count[4]=1 as it is previously initilized to 0.
  • Now k++ so k is incemented by 1,then k=2.To move to the next character/letter.

Iteration 3: k=2,str1[2]=l which is not '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is executed.

  • 'l' lies between 'a' and 'z' so the first if part is executed.
  • x=str1[k]-'a' →str1[2]-'a'→'l'-'a'→x=108-97=11.
  • 'l'-'a' ('l' ascii value is 108 and that of 'a' is 97 so 108-97 is 11).
  • Therefore, x=11.
  • count[11]++→count[11]=1.
  • Now k++ so k is incemented by 1,then k=3.

Iteration 4: k=3,str1[3]=l (again) which is not '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is executed.

  • 'l' lies between 'a' and 'z' so the first if part is executed.
  • x=str1[k]-'a' →str1[3]-'a'→'l'-'a'→x=108-97=11.
  • 'l'-'a' ('l' ascii value is 108 and that of 'a' is 97 so 108-97 is 11)
  • Therefore, x=11.
  • count[11]++→count[11]=1+1=2.
  • Now k++ so k is incemented by 1,then k=4.

Iteration 5: k=4,str1[4]=o which is not '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is executed.

  • 'o' lies between 'a' and 'z' so the first if part is executed.
  • x=str1[k]-'a' →str1[4]-'a'→'o'-'a'→x=111-97=14.
  • 'o'-'a' ('o' ascii value is 111 and that of 'a' is 97 so 111-97 is 14).
  • Therefore, x=14.
  • count[14]++→count[14]=1.
  • Now k++ so k is incemented by 1,then k=5.

Iteration 6: k=5,str1[5]is the end of string '\0'(i.e. not end of string) so the loop is terminated.

Finally values are,

  • count[0], count[1].....count[3]=0
  • count[4]=1
  • count[5]...count[6]=0
  • count[7]=1
  • count[8]....count[10]=0
  • count[11]=2
  • count[12]..count[13]=0
  • count[14]=1
  • count[15]..count[25]=0

Remember either the letter is 'H' or 'h' both their count is recorded in same array i.e if 'h' or 'H' both their total count occurs 4 times then count[7]=4 as in (hHhH) where h-2 times and H-2 times so a total of 4 times. 

For Loop

count array whose values are not zero is printed by comparing one by one from 0 to 25.

For example count[7]=1 then

i+'a' means 7+'a'=7+97=104 whose value in ascii is 'h'.So h occured count[7] times.
Which means h occured 1 times. In this way it will check from count[0] to count[25] and if they are not zero then that value is printed.