Introduction to SVG

SVG is the Abbreviation for Scalable Vector Graphics. It is as the name suggests a VECTOR based instrument utilized for drawing 2D items in HTML5.

Introduction to SVG

The SVG is an XML language, like XHTML, which can be utilized to draw vector illustrations, for example, the ones displayed to one side. It tends to be utilized to make a picture either by indicating every one of the lines and shapes vital, by changing previously existing raster pictures, or by a blend of both. The picture and its parts can likewise be changed, composited together, or separated to change their appearance totally.

What is SVG?

SVG is the Abbreviation for Scalable Vector Graphics. 

It is as the name suggests a VECTOR based instrument utilized for drawing 2D items in HTML5. 

SVG was created by The World Wide Web Consortium(w3c) in 1999. From that point forward it has been the solitary HTML5 drawing device which can in any case hold it's quality in the wake of being extended or zoomed in light of the fact that it is vector based as opposed to pixel based.

SVG Elements

Svg is quick, goal autonomous and simple to learn. SVG has many number of Elements with which drawings and movements are effectively made. 

Heres a rundown of the most mainstream SVG Elements

fe(Filter Effects)
script(JavaScript in SVG)
style(CSS in SVG)

Relax in the event that you have never met any of the above recorded components before as I will walk you through every single one of them bit by bit. 

Note: Some unsupported components were prohibited from the above rundown and a portion of the recorded components are not upheld in Internet Explorer.

SVG Attributes

To begin drawing on SVG, one needs to open the SVG tag.

Attributes are:

  • width - The svg width trait is utilized to determine the width of your svg element.
  • Hieght - The svg tallness trait is utilized to indicate the stature of your svg element.
  • viewBox - This is the trait which makes your svg drawings responsive. 
  • It acknowledges four credits "a, b, c, d". 
  • a - indicates a level left cushioning for your svg element. 
  • b - determines an upward top cushioning for your svg element. 
  • c,d - gives a usable stature to your svg element independent of its genuine height. 

On the off chance that the viewBox is set. for every youngster element of the svg elements, each contribution for the width and stature is introduced as a level of c and d separately. 

All you need is a fundamental comprehension of HTML5 and you're all set!

Before you Begin

There are various drawing applications accessible, for example, Inkscape which are free and use SVG as their local record design. Nonetheless, this instructional exercise will depend on the trusty XML or content tool (your decision). The thought is to educate the internals of SVG to the individuals who need to get it, and that is best done by dirtying your hands with a bit of markup. 

You should take note of your last objective however. Not all SVG watchers are equivalent thus there is a decent possibility that something composed for one application won't show the very same in another, on the grounds that they support various levels of the SVG particular or another determination that you are utilizing alongside SVG (that is, JavaScript or CSS). 

SVG is upheld in all cutting edge programs and a few renditions back at times. A genuinely complete program support table can be found on Can I use. Firefox has upheld some SVG content since rendition 1.5, and that help level has been developing with each delivery since. Ideally, alongside the instructional exercise here, MDN can assist engineers with staying aware of the contrasts among Gecko and a portion of the other significant executions. 

Prior to beginning you ought to have a fundamental comprehension of XML or another markup language like HTML. In case you are not intimately acquainted with XML, here are a few rules to remember:

  • SVG elements and attributes should all be entered for the situation displayed here since XML is case-delicate (in contrast to HTML).
  • Quality attributes in SVG should be set inside cites, regardless of whether they are numbers. 


SVG is a gigantic detail. This tutorial exercise endeavors to cover the essentials. When you are natural you ought to have the option to utilize the Element Reference and the Interface Reference to discover whatever else you need to know.

We are try to give you best content about SVG in our next posts. Stay tuned.