C Programming Quiz : Conditional Operator
C Programming Quiz : Conditional Operators
1. What are C Programming conditional statement?
- A) if statement
- B) else statement
- C) else if statement
- D) All of the above
Answer is D)
if, else, else if and :,? (Ternary Question Mark) are C Programming conditional statement.
2. Choose a syntax for C Ternary Operator from the list.
- A) condition : expression1 ? expression2
- B) condition ? expression1 : expression2
- C) condition ? expression1 < expression2
- D) condition < expression1 ? expression2
Answer is B)
If the condition is true, expression 1 is evaluated. If the condition is false, expression 2 is evaluated.
3. What is the output of the C statement?
- A) 4
- B) 6
- C) 2
- D) 3
Answer is D)
5<2 3="" a.="" and="" assigned="" be="" false.="" is="" p="" picked="" so="" the="" to="" variable="" will="">
4. What is the output of C Program?
- A) Compile Error
- B) 40
- C) 04
- D) 41
Answer is D)
a = printf("4");
First printf prints 4. printf() returns 1. Now the variable a=1; So 1 is printed next.
5. Choose a statement to use C If Else statement.
- A) else if is compulsory to use with if statement.
- B) else is compulsory to use with if statement.
- C) else or else if is optional with if statement.
- D) None of the above.
Answer is C)
else or else if is optional with if statement.
6. What is the Priority of C Logical Operators? NOT (!), AND (&&) and OR (||)
- A) NOT (!) > AND (&&) > OR (||)
- B) NOT (!) > AND (&&) = OR (||)
- C) AND (&&) > OR (||) > NOT (!)
- D) AND (&&) = OR (||) > NOT (!)
Answer is A)
Logical NOT Operator in C has the highest priority.
7. What is the output of the C Program?
- B) Compiler error
- C) FOX
Answer is B)
You can not put more than 1 statement inside expression1 or expression2 inside Ternary Operator.
8. What is the output of the following code?
- A) Error
- B) True
- C) False
- D) None of the these.
Answer is B)
Relational operator have more priority than logical operator. So,
(5 && (5 == 5))
Or, (5 && 1)
Or, 1
Hence condition becomes true and printf(“true”); executed.
9. Which operators are known as Ternary Operator?
- A) ::
- B) :=:
- C) :,?
- D) ;:?
Answer is C)
:,? operators are known as Ternary Operator?
10. An operator used to check a condition and select a value depending on the value of the condition is called
- A) Bitwise operator
- B) Decrement operator
- C) Logical operator
- D) Conditional or Ternary operator
Answer is D)
An operator used to check a condition and select a value depending on the value of the condition is called Conditional or Ternary operator.
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