SVG Gradients

The Gradients refers to smooth progress of one color to another color shading inside a shape. Two types of Gradients are linear & radial Gradients.

SVG Gradients

The Gradients refers to smooth progress of one color to another color shading inside a shape.

Maybe more energizing than simply fills and strokes is the way that you can likewise make and apply Gradients as either fills or strokes.

There are two types of Gradients

  • linearGradient
  • radialGradient

You should give the Gradient an id attribute; else it can't be referred to by different elements inside the document. Gradients are characterized in a defs area instead of on a shape itself to advance reusability.

linear Gradient

The <linearGradient> svg element is used to characterize rectangular color stops which will last be used to fill/stroke a graphical item.

The <stop> svg element is used as a kid element of <linearGradient> to characterize color stops and offsets for each unique color of the gradient.

Synatax Declaration

Following is the syntax declaration of <linearGradient> element. We've shown Some of the most important attributes here.

linearGradient Attributes

  • gradientUnits - units to characterize the coordinate framework for the different length esteems inside the gradient.
  • In the event that gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse", values address esteems in the current client coordinate framework set up at the point when the gradient element is utilized. On the off chance that patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox", values address. values in divisions or rates of the bouncing box on the referring to element set up when the gradient element is utilized. Default is userSpaceOnUse.

  • x1 - x-axis co-ordinate of the gradient vector. Defeault is 0.
  • y1 - y-axis co-ordinate of the gradient vector. Default is 0.
  • x2 - x-axis co-ordinate of the gradient vector. Defeault is 0.
  • y2 - y-axis co-ordinate of the gradient vector. Default is 0.
  • spreadMethod - demonstrates technique for spreading the gradient inside designs element. Default is 'pad'.
  • xlink:href - used to allude to another gradient.

Example Code


Output_LinearGradient-SVG Gradients

The stop child element has an attribute called stop-offset which defines the starting point of the stop's color.

Note that the <linearGradient> element is never rendered directly unless its used on an element!


The <radialGradient> svg element is used to characterize circular/radial color stops which will last be utilized to fill/stroke a graphical article.

The <stop> svg element is utilized as a youngster element of <radialGradient> to characterize color stops and balances for each unique color of the gradient.

Syntax Declaration

Following is the syntax declaration of <radialGradient> element. We've shown Some of the most important attributes here.

linearGradient Attributes

  • gradientUnits - units to define the coordinate system for the various length values within the gradient.
  • If gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse", values represent values in the current user coordinate system in place at the time when the gradient element is used. If patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox", values represent values in fractions or percentages of the bounding box on the referencing element in place at the time when the gradient element is used. Default is userSpaceOnUse.

  • cx -x-axis co-ordinate of the center of largest circle of gradient vector. Defeault is 0.
  • cy - y-axis co-ordinate of the center of largest circle of gradient vector. Default is 0.
  • r - radius of the center of largest circle of gradient vector. Defeault is 0.
  • fx - focal point of radial gradient. Default is 0.
  • fy - focal point of radial gradient. Default is 0.
  • spreadMethod - indicates method of spreading the gradient within graphics element. Default is 'pad'.
  • xlink:href - used to refer to another gradient.

Example Code


Output_radialGradient-SVG Gradients

The stop child element can be used from 0 to infinity number of times.

If the offset of the latter <stop> child element of the gradient is equal to that of it's predecessor, a sharp color transition is formed.