SVG Marker Element

The element is used for putting re-usable graphical elements along the layout of a SVG shape. It's generally used to put arrowheads and more.

SVG Marker Element

The <marker> element is used for putting re-usable graphical elements along the layout of a SVG shape. It's generally used to put arrowheads or polymarks on the finish of a markable element.

Markable Elements

The some SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics elements can be markable using the SVG <marker> Element. The element are use to implement design on the few elements Of SVG. The list of elements that can me markable listed below.

  • <line>
  • The element is used to draw a line.

  • <path>
  • The path element is used to draw any 2D shape in HTML5, it's known as the strongest drawing tool in SVG. With this tool one can draw from a single line to multiple number of complex objects.

  • <polygon>
  • The element is used to draw polygon.

  • <polyline>
  • The element is used to draw a polyline.

You can't make a difference marker on some other element other than the markable elements. The marker element is referred to with marker property.

Marker Properties

A marker is a graphical object that is painted at particular positions along any shape element.

Markers are attached to shapes using the marker-start, marker-mid, and marker-end properties.

  • marker-start
  • marker-mid
  • marker-end
  • marker-segment
  • marker-pattern
  • marker-position

The marker-start and marker-end properties can be utilized to put markers at the first and last vertex, and the marker-mid property can be utilized to put markers at each and every other vertex (beside the first and last). The marker-start and marker-end can be utilized for instance to add pointed stones to paths. Markers set utilizing these properties are known as vertex markers.

The marker-segment property can be utilized to put markers at the focal point of each path portion. These markers are known as portion markers.

The marker-pattern property can be utilized to characterize a standard rehashing example of markers to put along the length of the path. Markers set with marker-pattern are known as rehashing markers.

A kid 'marker' element with a 'position' attribute can be utilized to put a marker at a specific area along the path. Such markers are known as situated markers.

The patterns for a marker are characterized by a 'marker' element. The marker-start, marker-end, marker-mid, marker-postion and marker-pattern properties, together known as the marker properties, reference 'marker' elements.

Marker Syntax

Marker Attributes

  • viewBox - This attribute specifies a rectangle in user space that should be mapped to the bounds of the SVG viewport established by the given element, taking into account the preserveAspectRatio.
  • refX - The refX attributes defines the x-axis reference point of the marker.
  • refY - The refY attributes defines the x-axis reference point of the marker.
  • markerUnits - The markerUnits attribute defines the coordinate system for the attributes markerWidth, markerHeight and the contents of the marker.
  • markerWidth - The markerWidth attributes represent the x-axis size of the viewport into which the marker is to be fitted according to the viewBox.
  • markerHeight - The markerHeight attributes represent the y-axis size of the viewport into which the marker is to be fitted according to the viewBox.
  • orient - The orient attribute indicates how the marker is rotated. It accepts either a value of auto or auto-start-reverse.

Example Code

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The SVG <marker> element Properties : Notice how the marker properties were used differently to position different markers on the arc.

Try applying markers on <line> <polyline> etc... to help broaden your knowledge on the subject matter!